Phi: The Golden Ratio

Also referred to as the golden mean, golden section, golden number or divine proportion, the golden ratio is a number, approximately 1.618, that possesses many unusual mathematical properties. Over two thousand years ago phi was identified by Euclid because of it’s crucial role in the construction of the pentagram. Since then the ratio has been

The Foreign Exchange Market

By Peter Pontikis ‘Foreign exchange,’ ‘Forex’ or ‘FX’ is the home of the inter-bank and wholesale market for exchanging one currency for another and thrives in what is an enormous sea of money. It trades across the globe in over 100 currency pairs in the largest of the world’s financial markets! Institutional FX Basically, Institutional

The Delusional Trader

By Adrienne Toghraie Psychologists would tell you that being in a delusional state means that you are psychotic – obviously not a good thing, especially when you need to know what is really going on in the world. But, strangely enough, sometimes it can work for a trader. Jack is a trader who is a

The Chicago Board of Trade

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) is a leading futures and options on futures exchange. Established in 1848, it is the world’s oldest derivatives exchange. The CBOT initially traded only agricultural commodities such as corn, wheat, oats and soybeans. Futures contracts at the exchange evolved over the years to include non-storable agricultural commodities and non-agricultural

Bretton Woods

The Bretton Woods Accord was established in 1944, towards the end of World War II. The United Nations Monetary Fund convened in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, with representatives from the United States, Great Britain and France. The Bretton Woods Accord established the policy of pegging currencies against the U.S. dollar in order to stabilise the