Trading Correlations in the Forex Market
In this article we’ll cover correlations in the currency markets and how an understanding of these relationships can help you diversify, hedge and develop trading strategies.
Forex Trading Articles – Forex Education –
In this article we’ll cover correlations in the currency markets and how an understanding of these relationships can help you diversify, hedge and develop trading strategies.
Many people would like to trade for a living, but the biggest problem they face is a lack of capital. In order to make a living trading in the stock market, traders really need to plan on having an initial balance of at least $100,000.
With the impressive economic growth in China, many investors are getting interested in owning Chinese currency, aka the Yuan (which translates as round coin) or Renminbi.
The main participants in the forex market are central banks, commercial and investment banks, hedge funds, pension funds, corporations and private speculators. An estimated 95% of the daily trading volume in the is done by speculators and investors – ranging from the individual trader to the leading banks of the world. The remaining 5% is
Tight Spreads: Look for competitive spreads. This is the difference between the bid and offer and is measured in pips. This is what it will costs to enter a trade, since it is not possible to buy on the bid or sell on the offer in the Forex market. Forex brokers are usually tied to