Currencies Traded in Foreign Exchange

Virtually any currency can be traded through a broker – providing it is backed by an existing nation. Currencies are defined by three letter symbols, where the first two letters stand for the name of the country and the third stands for the name of the currency. The major currencies are: the US Dollar (USD),

The Major Trading Sessions in the Forex Market

The FX market is active 24 hours a day – it is important for the active forex trader to identify the times where there is the most volatility and largest trading ranges. 1. Asian Session (Tokyo) 7PM-4AM EST Tokyo is one of the principle dealing centers in Asia and is the first major Asian market

What is a Pip?

A pip is the smallest price increment in forex trading – pip stands for percentage in point. Prices are quoted to the fourth decimal point in the forex market – for example EUR/USD might be bid at 1.1914 and offered at 1.1917. In this example we can see that the spread is 3 pips wide.

What is a Trading System?

A trading system is a collection of formulas and rules that generate buy and sell recommendations. Trading systems have been developed for decades, but the recent advances in technology with the pc and internet have increased interest in them and broadened the number of people actively involved in their use. Technical indicators such as oscillators,

Forex vs. Currency Futures

By Carley Garner The Forex market has quickly become a popular playground for speculative trading; but is it the best arena to be trading currencies?  Those looking to profit from fluctuations in currency valuations have two primary trading forums, the spot market often referred to Forex or simply FX, or currency futures which are primarily