A Different Way To Own Gold?

With gold dominating headlines today, you might be wondering how to own the mysterious yellow metal.ย  After 11 years of gains, many investors are beginning to understand the logic professed by gold bugs throughout this bull market.ย 

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What is Silver?

Silver is a naturally occurring element that can be found in your jewelry, at the dinner table, in your digital camera, in your car and in your pocket. It is a monetary metal with roots that run parallel to gold.

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Gold Series Part III โ€“ Gold Rush!

We began this series with an attempt to cut through media spin and answer the question what is gold?ย  Next we laid out a fundamental strategy for owning gold in a balanced portfolio.ย 

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Gold Series Part 1: Why do People Buy Gold?

Sandwiched between mercury and platinum on the periodic table, gold is just another element occurring naturally in the earthโ€™s crust. This shiny yellow metal differs from its peers in that it has a powerful effect on human beings.

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Market situation in which prices in succeeding delivery months are progressively higher than in the nearest delivery month. The discrepancy in prices is often a result of the costs of storing and insuring the underlying commodity. Opposite of backwardation.

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