W.D. Gann Biography

Considered by some to be the greatest trader of all time, William Delbert Gann was born on a farm outside of Lufkin, Texas on June 6, 1878.

Gann’s 9-Sided Numbered Square

By Earik Beann ©2008, Reprinted with permission of Traders World Magazine (www.tradersworld.com) One of the things that you come to realize after studying Gann for even a short amount of time is that he never actually put down the tools he used to trade markets. So he would describe a general method of looking at

Trading Philosophies of W.D. Gann

William Delbert (W.D.) Gann is regarded as one of the pioneers of technical analysis and market behavior. He wrote several books on stock and commodity trading and developed the well known “Gann angles” and “Gann Fans.”