Trader Linda Raschke Provides Tips on Day-Trading S&P

The S&P 500 futures market is a trading arena unto itself, which can accommodate many different trading styles, according to Linda Bradford Raschke, a well known trader, lecturer and president of LBR Group, Inc.

The Top 10 Mistakes Traders Make

Achieving success in futures trading requires avoiding numerous pitfalls as much, or more, than it does seeking out and executing winning trades. In fact, most professional traders will tell you that it’s not any specific trading methodologies that make traders successful, but instead it’s the overall rules to which those traders strictly adhere that keep them “in the game” long enough to achieve success.

Technical Traders Should Still Examine Fundamentals

Those who have read my features know I base the vast majority of my trading decisions on technical indicators and chart analysis–and also on market psychology. However, I do not ignore certain fundamentals that could impact the markets I’m trading. Neither should you.

Swing Trading: Making $$$ in a Sideways Market

By Jim Wyckoff “The Trend is Your Friend” is a tried and true market adage that is indeed one of the most valuable futures trading tenets. However, history shows that most markets tend to move in a non-trending, or “sideways” fashion more of the time than they are in a trending mode. There are several methods

Simplicity Has Sharpened John Murphy’s Skills

“My work has gotten better due to simplifying my approach,” John J. Murphy, the veteran technical analyst, author and CNBC resident technical analyst, told a group of equities and futures traders attending the Technical Analysis Group (TAG) XVIII trading conference sponsored by Dow Jones Telerate in New Orleans. Murphy said he relies heavily on five