Advancing Declining Issues

A market momentum indicator that subtracts the declining issues from the advancing issues on the New York Stock Exchange. This information is used to determine the strength of the market on a daily basis. It is usually smoothed to make it an overbought and oversold indictor. Strong up days show readings of more than +1,000

Japan’s Tankan Survey

Importance: High.Published by: Bank of Japan.Frequency: Quarterly.Release Time: 8:50 AM Local Time. Results are published in early April, July and October and also in mid-December.Revisions: Rare. Produced by the Japan’s central bank, the Tankan Survey measures business confidence in Japan. The results can provide some insight into upcoming monetary policy and interest rates. The report

Initial Jobless Claims

Source: The Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor. Release: 8:30 ET each Thursday. Data is for week ended prior Saturday. Initial jobless claims reflects the number of claims filed for state unempolyment benefits in the previous week. Increases in claims potential reflect slowing job growth, and decreases reflect accellerating growth in the

Big Mac Price Index

Introduced in September 1986 by the Economist magazine, the Big Mac Index has achieved notoriety as a financial indicator. The Index is a humerous guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level – based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP). Purchasing-power parity (PPP) is a theory stating that eventually, exchange rates should move

Standard and Poor/Case-Shiller Home Price Index

The Standard & Poor/Case-Shiller Indices tracks changes in the value of residential real estate market in 20 metropolitan regions across the United States. The indices are calculated monthly and published with a lag of two months.