Bearish Engulfing Pattern

The Bearish Engulfing Pattern is a two candlestick reversal pattern on a Japanese Candlestick chart that occurs during an uptrend. The first day is characterized by a small white body, followed by a day whose body completely engulfs the previous day’s real body. The second day’s real body is black. The bearish engulfing pattern signals an uptrend

Bullish Engulfing Pattern

The Bullish Engulfing Pattern is a two candlestick reversal pattern that occurs during a downtrend. The first candle is relatively small  bodied and black. The second candle in the pattern is white with a body that completely engulfs the real body of the first.

Bearish Belt Hold

The Bearish Belt Hold Japanese Candlesticks pattern begins with a series of bullish candles and is followed with a bearish candle where the opening price remains the high of the day and is significantly higher then the closing price.

Price Action

Trading price action normally refers to trading without the use of technical indicators – trading purely off real time price moves.

Bullish Piercing Line

The Piercing Line Pattern is a bullish Japanese Candlestick reversal pattern and the opposite of the Dark Cloud Cover pattern.