Trail Guide Through the Stock Jungle

With 2012 now behind us and new one underway, Dan Zanger, stock trader and host of, has had a chance to reflect and take stock of what the market holds for the coming year as he prepares for his upcoming annual stock trading seminar in April.

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Catch a Falling Knifeโ€ฆ

Almost any trader with some experience has heard the trading maxim (or rule) โ€œDonโ€™t try to catch a falling knifeโ€ฆโ€ It usually refers to buying a market falling in price and alludes to how dangerous it can be to try to get positioned when a market appears to have a lot of potential to continue moving lower.

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Testing Simple Strategies: MACD Works and Futures are Rewarding

Traders are fascinated by indicators. But just because something is interesting, logical or mystical does not mean it works in the market. Testing is needed to be sure the indicator adds value, and we will define value as improving profits. If an indicator beats a simple trend following strategy, it adds value.

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